Tuesday 24 July 2012

3 Steps To Lose Belly Fat

Apologies for being a little blog shy recently. Sometimes I have to work...
I’m now three and a half weeks into my six-pack challenge and I’m loving it.
It’s amazing how eating healthier and regular consistent exercise can bring about an amazing sense of well-being. I’ve been challenging myself in the gym with a mixture of free weights and bodyweight exercise and just this week I’ve started doing sprints. 
Whilst the exercise element of my challenge is important to develop muscle tone I feel there are a couple of aspects people overlook about this type of goal. Without these you can forget about creating a lean, toned and healthy body.
Check my three most important steps to losing belly fat...


To be fair, sugar doesn’t just make your belly fat - it makes you fat all over. I’ve seen it debated over the internet (...where the truth is rife?!) with varying answers. The reason being it is a catalyst for many other physiological reactions. Sugar is your bodies preferred source of energy. In the presence of sugar your body will not use body fat for fuel (an overly simple explanation...). By cutting simple sugars (chocolate, sweets, fruit) and reducing starchy carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes) your body will be able to use stored energy (your belly fat) for fuel.
Top Tip: Eat a diet of mainly good quality protein (poultry, fish, meat) rich in healthy fat (extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, fish oil) with an abundance of greens and low and medium starchy vegetables (brocoli, green beans, cauliflower, cabbage) for ultimate change in body composition.


This is the type of advice most people like to hear! People who get a good nights sleep store less fat. The reason for this is multiple. Your body regenerates over night. You will get a healthy boost in growth hormones which assist in recovering from the trauma and stresses of daily life. Furthermore, getting a good nights sleep helps curtail your appetite. It’s true! When sleep deprived your body secretes more of the hormone Grehlin which makes you want to eat more. It also reduces the amount of Leptin (also a hormone!), which reduces your appetite and lets you know you’re full. Therefore when sleep deprived your body will tell you that you are hungry and not tell you when you are full!
Top Tip: An hour before 12 is worth two after! Get to bed by 10pm for the best quality sleep. If you struggle with sleep try supplementing with magnesium and zinc 30mins before bedtime. 


Whilst I’m not overly enamored about the concept of spot reduction (targeted fat loss) I do feel there is an element of truth to this one. In the book Cortisol Connection, the author presents a fascinating insight into how the stress hormone cortisol causes people to store belly fat. Aside from this I have seen and experienced the impact chronic stress can have on the systems of the body. When stressed it affects the way you digest food meaning you become less nourished, breath meaning you become tense and tight and as we know affects the way you sleep. 
Top Tip: Stress comes in many forms. I’ve found by drinking less caffeine, regular exercise and eating lots of nutritious food I’m less stressed, anxious and generally feel more calm, although I’m sure this is particularly insightful...

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