Friday 22 May 2009

A glass of the good stuff?

Are you drinking enough?

Water that is?!

Water has many important functions within the human body. Primarily water will maintain a stable environment inside and around our cells. Drinking adequate amounts of water will allow your body to process and eliminate toxins therefore creating a healthy body.

It’s widely reported that 75% of a person’s body should be composed of water. It is for this reason that measuring a persons weight alone can be such a fickle measure.

Another thing to consider when drinking water is how clean our water is. Although two-thirds of the Earths surface is covered in water, only 3% of that is fresh enough to drink. Of that 3% only 1% is accessible to humans. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency there are over 700 pollutants that regularly occur in drinking water. Don’t think living in England makes us different. Three hundred million gallons of raw or untreated sewage is dumped of our coastline each day. I haven’t even mentioned fluoridation yet!

So the common question I get asked everyday is how much should I drink? For this I recommend a simple equation. Simply calculate your bodyweight (in kg) x 0.33 = how much you should drink everyday. For most it is about 2litres.

Do teas and coffees count? No. We’re designed to consume water and nothing else. As an alternative to water a mug of peppermint or nettle tea can be quite satisfying but other than that water is recommended.

So my recommendation for you today is to invest in a good quality source of water (Evian, Volvic or Vittel) and just like an Olympic runner, employ a hydration strategy. Drink a glass every waking hour or hour and a half. If you find yourself running back and forth to the toilet add a small pinch of sea salt to your bottle.

Let me know how you feel.

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