Tuesday 4 October 2011

Key-Dogg's Rules

Do you think I follow a diet plan all the time? No.

I do have general principles I follow but I LOVE food.

I LOVE the taste. I LOVE the smell. I LOVE the texture.

One of the ways I manage to not eat myself to the size of a bus is by setting myself rules or guidelines to follow.

I am not strict all the time (although I do eat healthier than most?!) and some times I get a bit carried away and end up having a bad week.

I recognise the bad weeks sometimes add up. After a couple of bad weeks I reign it in and am really strict and get myself back on track.

This being said here are the general principles I follow…

Everyday I drink a minimum of 1.5L of Evian Water

Research shows its cleaner than tap water. Also being in a bottle I can measure my consumption. You might be thinking thats less than the 2L recommendation. This is true, but I ALWAYS make sure I drink two mugs of warm water first thing in the morning (from the kettle so not my allotted litre and a half), I also drink a couple of cups of herbal tea throughout the day (normally tulsi, peppermint or liquorice and cinnamon). This helps flush out my system of any toxins. I do like a cup of coffee and limit myself to two a day (this is normally where I fall off the wagon!!) always before 12 and ONLY when I drink enough water to flush it out.

I ALWAYS eat five vegetables every day

I snack on raw carrots and celery with hummus. Try to eat a green leafy salad with avocado and tomato (I know its a fruit technically!) at lunch. And I always have either roasted, stir fried of boiled veg in the evening. The evidence is clear and substantial - eating vegetables is for cool people. Everyday I endeavour to smash my five-a-day (vegetables NOT fruit!) I always feel better when I eat vegetables regardless of what other naughty stuff creeps in my diet.

Eat protein at EVERY meal

Eggs for breakfast. Trout fillets, king prawns or salmon fillet at lunch. And lamb chops, chicken, steak or tuna steak for tea. Eating a little bit of protein at each meal balances my blood sugar. I don't avoid vegetarian foods - I'm not so ignorant to see some of the benefits of a vegetarian diet, BUT by eating a bit more protein I feel more balanced.

Avoid pasta and bread

There is a reason many italian women are bottom heavy in older age. These are both energy dense and nutrient poor. This means they are high in calories and low in vitamins and minerals. Heavily processed and full of wheat these are really not good for anyone. Besides if I'm gonna eat something unhealthy its gonna be worth it…

Love the fat

I realised a long time ago scoffing fat was good for me. everyday at pretty much every meal I strive to eat some. Fish oils supplement, olive oil on my salad, coconut oil in teas and to be cooked with. Eating fat keeps my metabolism high and increases my satiety (satisfaction derived from food). It's nothing to do with exercise - every cells in your body is composed of fat - if you want your body to work efficiently you NEED it.

These are just five simple habits I use to keep me lean. I'm not a big fan of moderation. I think the term moderation can hide all manner of sins. I simply stick to my rules and try to pick and choose when I cheat - this way I can keep everything in balance. Have a go at writing some rules and see how you go.

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