Sunday, 28 June 2009
The F**k It Way
We all exist on a variety of different levels including physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.
It is considered that balancing these factors is the key to good health.
For those that are struggling with the spiritual aspects, there now may be a forum for you.
You will be pleased to know there is now a western expression for the eastern idea of letting go.
The Fuck It Way can offer real freedom by realising things don’t matter so much (if at all!).
Creator John C. Parkin believes saying ‘Fuck It’ is a message for the mind – relaxing you, releasing you and giving up on things that aren’t working!
This is The Fuck It Way.
There are a variety of ways to get this release including his book The Ultimate Spiritual Way, a holiday at a holistic centre in Italy, a box of chocolates (not recommended), or by following him on Facebook.
Check out online at or have a look on You Tube.
This obviously doesn’t apply to your health and fitness aspirations!!! :-)
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Don't Give Up!
It told the storey of Dick Hoyt and his son Rick, who together have completed 85 marathons, 8 Ironman triathlons and cycled from one coast of America to the other.
An outstanding feat for anyone!?!
Most of the people I meet struggle to conceive the idea of completing one marathon.
However, the truly remarkable thing is that Dick did this by pushing, pulling and towing his son Rick the whole way!
Dick, now 65, has spent the last 25 years pushing his son round marathon after marathon with there best time being an outstanding 2hrs 40mins! He’s towed his son the 2.4miles swim phase of the Hawaiian Ironman and towed him the 112 bike phase afterwards!
Not bad considering when he started he was a self-confessed ‘porker’ who couldn’t run and couldn’t swim!
So what made the difference?
Rick answers this through a specially made keyboard…
"Dad is one of my role models. Once he sets out to do something, Dad sticks to it whatever it is, until it is done. For example once we decided to really get into triathlons, dad worked out, up to five hours a day, five times a week, even when he was working."
So there it is!!!
What’s the difference between those that achieve there stated goals and those that don’t?
Those that do STICK TO IT!
Don’t give up!
When you set yourself a goal keep your focus. Work diligently towards it every day.
It needed be anything as big and challenging as this. Just simply to achieve an ideal bodyshape or an ideal weight. But go about it with the same ambition and don’t quit!
If you need some motivation check out this clip
Find your motivation and keep at it.
Monday, 22 June 2009
Good Luck Helen!!!
After many months of training its time to wish Helen the best of luck!
This Wednesday she embarks on a 300mile bike ride from Blackheath to Paris.
Cycling in aid of the Parkinson’s Disease Society, Helen has already raised a whopping £1375 for what I know is a cause close to her heart.
Any one who is keen to follow her journey can check out her progress at
Its not a challenge she’s taken lightly with some killer sessions out on the bike burning in excess of 4000calories in as little as 3hours!
It’s not too late to sponsor her either. Please visit her just giving site at
Bonne chance et ĂȘtre sain!!!
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Steve Keywood’s Personal Training in 100 words!
Exercise intensely and intelligently. Push, Pull, Rotate, Squat, Lunge, Deadlift, Stretch. Sprint, cycle and swim. Understand and strengthen good posture. Participate in physical activity at least five times per week. Eat little and often. Drink lots of clean water. Consume fresh organic meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds. A little fruit and if necessary a little starch. Avoid sugar and alcohol! Eat enough to energise but don’t over indulge. Get to bed on time. Take a minute each day to just be. Manage stress. Be diligent and motivated. Look for the good in everyone and everything. Enjoy life!
Saturday, 13 June 2009
The Bruce Is Loose!!!
Earlier that morning Duncan had contacted me to say that he would not be attending his training session as Maria was on her way to hospital.
Due to her heavily pregnant condition I was slightly concerned… I need not be.
Maria gave birth to a fantastic little baby boy “Brucie”.
Weighing it at 5lbs 9oz the McLaughlin’s new addition will make a fantastic little brother to Lucas.
Holding him this morning I can tell you he already has more hair than me!!!
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Are you sitting comfortably?
Day-to-day I work with many clients who are at the mercy of numerous postural issues.
Dealing with these people I feel it comes down to basic math. Training with me for one or two hours per week always has a positive effect. However, that leaves a possible 166 or 167 hours per week to undo all my good work.
Even if you went away and did another couple of sessions on your own during a week - stretching, doing your self-myofascial release and performing the appropriate corrective exercises the amount of time most of my clients spend sitting down in front of a computer or driving is enough to make them tense and tight.
Interestingly enough it only takes 20 minutes for a muscle to adaptively shorten. Therefore, regardless of how much you train, sitting on your ass for 40+ hrs per week is gonna take its toll!
Therefore it is my recommendation to all to practice some behavioural modification. This involves sitting up straight (I can see you!!!!), moving around regularly when doing computer work and drawing your shoulders back to sit in better posture.
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Why can't I lose this stubborn fat?
The ongoing struggle with your weight is tipping you over the edge. You’ve been working hard and still that stubborn bit of fat is clinging on to your mid-section for dear life!!
Why won’t it go?
Here are my top 5 reasons why the stubborn fat will not leave.
1. You’ve been cheating
‘A little bit wont hurt’
A small sentence with big implications!
We all know the situation. You’ve worked diligently to adhere to your diet and suddenly its put in front of your nose. A moment of weakness and suddenly it’s gone.
A little bit wont hurt! Surely?
The issue is you are an addict.
You need to take control and cut it out completely.
A little bit will have a massive difference to your weightloss effort because while it is still present you will miss it.
Break the cycle today and don’t cheat.
2. You have no Why
This is the most poignant questions I ask during any consultation.
In his book Mans Search For Meaning author Viktor Frankl says ‘He who has a why can live with any what any how’.
In essence if you have a good enough reason to do it, you will do it regardless of the difficulty.
Conversely, if you have no why you will find every excuse and it will not be done.
Identify your why.
You may have to do some soul searching to find it. Don’t just stop at the first hurdle – I want to look better. Why?
If you get this right your desire to train will increase tenfold.
3. You have no What
You may have set a target to ‘lose weight’, ‘tone up’ or ‘get fit’ but exactly how much weight, how much tone or how fit?
Be specific.
A good target could be to lose 2stone by my cousins wedding.
What specific goal are you aiming at?
Make this big, prominent and timely, as this is critical.
4. You are trying to do it alone
Are you an expert on fat loss?
So consult with someone who is!
Your limited knowledge in this area could be hampering your efforts.
When I have a problem with my car I see a mechanic. When doing my tax return I visit my accountant. So why when trying to lose weight do people insist on going it alone?
Your body is complicated. I’m sure with no prior knowledge of a car engine you wouldn’t attempt to fix it.
Alternatively, confer with someone with a proven track record, who can consult on exercise, nutrition and lifestyle to get you the best results.
Especially if you have tried and failed before. Why not check out what you could achieve at
5. You are not being accountable
Once you have consulted with a professional and have a exercise and nutrition programme to follow, you have your what and why, and you have cut out any little cheats. Enlist the support of someone significant or a group to keep you on track.
It is not unusual for a person’s motivation to wane when embarking on a health and fitness programme, as it is difficult. It is at times like this you need the support of someone else.
Being in regular contact with a likeminded individual will legitimise your struggle and justify your concerns. They must be a strong-minded motivated person like you. They must support you and you must support them.
Going it alone is difficult. Having someone to keep you on track will mean you achieving your goals.
Saturday, 6 June 2009
The Loose Women complete The Race for Life!!!
The Race for Life is a fantastically well-organised event, which raises hundreds of thousands of pounds for cancer charities.
I went along in support of my wife and her colleagues, who due to their chatty nature at work are deemed the Loose Women.
Between the five of them they ran and walked the 5k and by all accounts had a great time doing so!
We concluded the afternoon with a picnic out the back of Laura’s car in the Spectrum Leisure Centre car park in the rain, proving that as well as being the best dressed, the Loose Women are all class!!! I’m not sure you would see Colleen Nolan doing that!?!
Anyways between the five of them and with the support of all at Ward Williams accounts (whom they work for) they raised a whooping £1200!!!
Congratulations girls. Same time, same place next year???
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Great results in just 8 weeks!
I’ve been working with Anna now for 8 weeks and during that time she has achieved the most amazing results.
Training just twice-a-week, and holding down a very demanding job, Anna’s reason for contacting me was to get in shape for her wedding in October.
As a doctor her time is precious, therefore the time we spent training had to be used efficiently. She has embraced all of my suggestions regarding nutrition and lifestyle and has been rewarded with the most fantastic results.
In 8 weeks…
Lost 2.75 inches around her belly button
Lost 2 inches around her hips
Lost 1.5 inches around each thigh
Lost 8lbs in weight
This is not to mention the improvements in fitness, posture and energy levels.
This is all the better considering she was only 9st 4lbs when we started!!!
What is most pleasing is Anna is still really motivated to achieve even better results.
I will keep you posted on our progress.
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Homemade Protein Bounce Balls
This would make a perfect post-exercise snack!!
As ever, you may want to play about with the levels of ingredients to get your own consistency – but I think these taste pretty damn good!
4-5 Tablespoons of Organic Peanut Butter
100g Vanilla Protein Powder
1 Tablespoon honey
Some Cows/Goats/Rice milk (I used about 100ml), but add slowly until the mixture is a stickygoo – you don’t want it to be too moist and running.
Some Ground nuts (mixture or just almonds)
Combine all the ingredients and stir together. At this point you can throw in a handful of ground nuts if you wish.
Wet your hands and scoop out some mix, roll into a ball shape (it will get sticky!) and then roll it in ground nuts.
Place on a baking tray and once you have made about 10 place them in the fridge for a few hours and there you go!!
Enjoy, and let me know what you think and if you make any changes to make it better?!
Monday, 1 June 2009
Let the fat-loss challenge begin!
Can you feel it? The weather gets a little bit warmer and days get a little bit longer and suddenly everyone’s self-awareness begins to increase.
Or are you like many of the people who I train who are successfully losing weight, dropping clothes sizes, changing shape… Are you prepared to up you game a little?
Talking to a few of my clients just this last week we were discussing their renewed aspirations. When they first joined me they came to me with a clear objective of losing weight and toning up.
Whilst achieving some fantastic results it never ceases to amaze me how a little sunshine can initiate renewed vigour and ambition into ones fitness campaign.
So here it is…. The Summer 2009 Fat-Loss Challenge!
I’m not talking weight or clothes sizes. I’m talking fat!
Removal of subcutaneous fat that is found just underneath the skin will make a person appear lean and beautiful!
The challenge is personal. I will not be comparing you to one and other. Just to yourself. So… How much can you lose?
Get sized up today. I will give you your percentage.