Thursday 12 September 2013

Strength Training: The Missing Ingredient In Women's Fitness

The importance of strength training for women should not be underestimated. An issue surrounded by misconceptions, strength training has a fantastic ability to create a lean body, a well-balanced physique and a lifestyle free from injury, aches and pains.

Strength training has been proven to benefit all populations, from teenage athletes to seniors. Women, in particular, see tremendous benefits from strength training- and contrary to popular belief - NO BULKING!

Time and time again, I meet women who rely on cardiovascular exercise and a low calorie diet to change their physical appearance. The truth is low calorie diets merely punish the soul and plummet the metabolism, and without including consistent strength training in their fitness plan, effecting change can be an impossible goal.

Women further benefit from strength training because of the increase in resting metabolism created by strength training. Because of this increase, women who are trying to reduce body fat will do so more easily.

For women approaching middle age, this is particularly important. Strength training can help them avoid the predicable metabolic sluggishness that often occurs at this stage in life. Therefore, the secret to keeping middle age pounds off is not to eat less, but to strength train more!

Strength training need not be complex or overly time consuming. It can fit easily into any your lifestyle, since it requires minimal equipment and time. Using bodyweight exercise or free weights you can use all major muscle groups and improve body image very safely and effectively.

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