Monday 3 December 2012

Christmas Cracker or Christmas Pudding?

The festive season is upon us and pretty soon you’ll be out for a party.

Whilst I like helping people with longterm sustainable results I also know a thing or two about getting people in shape FAST. 

If you have aspirations of getting in a little black dress (...both guys and girls) here are my top tips for losing 7lbs in 7 days...

  1. Bin the wheat. Eating wheat leaves many people bloated. A pasta belly not only makes your stomach look bigger, it changes the way you digest food, leaves you with dark circles under your eyes and can effect your mood and energy levels (not good for partying!). Cut out bread, pasta and cereals and eat more vegetables and meat.
  2. Drink 2-3L water a day. This will speed up your metabolism, flush out toxins and make your skin glow. It’s often difficult to start this habit so to get started upon waking drink two glasses of water before breakfast and then have a glass every hour/hour and a half of the day. To vary try using a combination of herbal teas (peppermint, nettle, liquorice, etc) and fresh water. 
  3. Get to bed by 10pm. This is important. You fat loss hormones will reset overnight and so you must get to bed on time. Staying up late will leave you tired and you’ll feel hungrier and stressed. With the extra energy you’ll be dancing all night!
  4. Get toned. If you want to look fit in your dress you need muscle tone. To get muscle tone you need to use the muscles. Therefore if you want to create muscle tone on the back of your arms it is pointless running (unless you use the back of your arms to run?!) Does that make sense?! My tip is to do this bodyweight workout that uses every muscle in your body. Try this.
  5. Eat a little more protein. I’m not high carb, low carb or no carb kinda guy. I just do what works. Therefore if you want to lose weight eating a little more protein seems to help. Including either poultry, fish, meat, eggs at breakfast, lunch or dinner will do the trick. This could be boiled eggs for breakfast, chicken salad at lunch and steak and vegetables for dinner. Like this.
  6. Sit up straight. Consider your posture. Sitting and standing tall will make you look better. It might not help you lose weight immediately, but it’ll make you look better. Job done.
  7. Laugh your ass off. Smiling and generally being positive changes your physiology. You will feel less stress and your bodies metabolic functions will work better. 

Let me know how you get on either on Facebook or Twitter @SteveKeywoodPT

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