Monday 15 November 2010

Do you have the FIVE must have ingredients for successful fat loss?

There are no secret ingredients to success in fat loss, regardless of what you’ve heard. You might see advertised the latest and greatest ‘gadgets’ that target a particular area of your body or a gimmicky fad diet, truth be known they are probably a waste of time and money.

One thing that works again and again seems to be these five must have ingredients to achieving success in fat loss…

Purpose …know exactly what your goal is.
Passion …have a burning desire to achieve it.
Planning …determine how you’ll go about achieving it.
Perspiration …work hard following your plan to achieve it.
Perseverance …don’t let anything get in the way of achieving it.

One of my favourite bits of memorabilia that hangs on the wall of a local school is an autograph by Paula Radcliffe. It is an Olympic running vest that reads ‘set yourself a goal and work hard everyday to achieve it.’

As it comes into winter knowing what you are trying to achieve and why you are trying to achieve it will persuade you to get out and exercise on those cold dark evening…

You may not know your purpose right now, but if you think about it for a little while it may become clear.

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