Monday, 8 April 2013

Do YOU Store Fat Around Your Thighs, Hips & Bottom?

I’ve tried to hide my disdain for writing about this subject. The reason being my target audience generally values the immediate pleasure derived from drinking a glass of wine and inhaling a box of malteasers rather than the fine-tuning of their exercise and diet plan to the nth degree. 

But, alas, I know this is an issue that many have trouble with and so it’s only right I prosper an opinion...

Following on from my recent post on targeted belly fat I feel I should echo my key points from there - the best results I’ve seen in fat loss, from any troublesome part of the body, comes through hard work and dedication to both diet, exercise and lifestyle (think sleep, stress management, etc).

Yes - your hormones are incredibly powerful. Yes - they can effect where you store fat. But, normally the reason you are susceptible to hormone imbalances is due to your continued prolonged environmental insults. 

What is a continued prolonged environmental insult? When you chose the sugary sweet instead of the wholesome snack you disrupted your hormone profile. When you stayed up late to watch the end of the football knowing you had an early start the next day you disrupted your hormone profile. When you became agitated by the nuisance neighbour parking badly the stress has effected your hormone profile. These are all choices you make.

Fat Ass: ....why am I fat???
In simple terms you need to remember genetics loads the gun, environment pulls the trigger. Many of these hormone imbalances are due to poor diet, poor sleep, excessive stress, inadequate water, not enough/ too much exercise, etc. (i.e. stuff you control) acting on susceptible genetic profiles (i.e. stuff you don’t...)

This being said according to literature some people have a propensity to store more fat around the thighs, hips and bottom and you can do more specific stuff to improve it...

According to research, one of the key reasons for storing fat around your thighs, hips and bottom is due to an estrogen imbalance.

To bring you up to speed...
  • Estrogens are a group of steroid hormones commonly referred to as the female sex hormones. This is because they occur in much larger quantities in females than males. 
  • They are primarily produced in the ovaries, but are also produced in much smaller quantities by the adrenals, liver and breasts.

Key functions include...
  • The promotion and maturation of female sex characteristics
  • Stimulation of the deposition of fat in subcutaneous tissues particularly breasts, buttocks and thighs.

This basically means estrogenic hormones make girls (and a guys) girly and encourages your body to store fat.

Other interesting points are elevated estrogen levels are associated with irritability, nervousness and insomnia (insert female joke here...).

Like I said, in females an informal assessment with some skinfold calipers might highlight excessive fat storage around the hips and thighs. However, guys are not beyond suffering with this imbalance too. This can most commonly be see with the condition gynecomastra or to call it it’s real name ‘man boobs’.

The reason a person might suffer from this can be varied and plentiful. These include low intake of lignans (flax seeds, broccoli, cabbage, apricots, strawberries), low intake of flavanoids (citrus fruits, berries, onions, green tea, red wine, dark chocolate) , low intake of EPA (fish oils), low intake of cruciferous vegetables, too higher alcohol intake, obesity, hypersulinaemia (poor control of blood sugar levels), hypothyroidism, overloaded detoxification pathways (pesticides and other xenoestrogens) and dysbiosis (imbalance of gut).

....just a normal life then?!?!?!?!

So what can you do?

Reduce Your Toxic Load
Improving you detoxification pathways is your first step. Start by eating a diet rich in whole unprocessed foods and drinking lots of water. To further this eat organically (less pesticides), avoiding putting too many chemicals on your skin (yes - the pretty perfume might make you fat?!) and be more aware of environmental toxicity.

Improve Your Digestion
Be aware of food allergies. Symptoms can include difficulty concentrating, depression, gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. Regenerate you digestive system and you will start to see huge improvements in health and wellness.

Decrease the Volume Of Prolonged Aerobic Exercise
Running isn’t bad, but there are better ways to get fit. Strength training is less stressful on the body. If your plan is set up properly you will be able to target and tone specific areas of your body and increase fat loss too. To target this area working at a higher intensity is the aim.

Consider Cooking Methods
To maintain nutrient density in food beware of overcooking food. Instead of using the microwave or boiling why not try steaming, grilling or baking food.

Switch to Green Tea
Instead of coffee or normal tea try drinking green tea. This will help with detoxification in the liver.

On top of this you could consider supplementing with zinc, HCL, fish oils, a good quality multi-vitamin, and probiotics.

Again, I stress improving your diet, lifestyle (sleep & stress management) and exercise (the right sort of exercise) plan is the most important aspect. Once dialed in consider supplementing. 


  1. Huge spelling error on that poster!!!!

    1. I'm ashamed. The only saving grace is that I never made it.

  2. I think the combined effects of stress, chemicals, and toxins, plus the nutritional deficiency caused by an unbalanced diet is the reason most working women suffer from hormonal imbalance. While the cumulative effect may be counteracted by going to the gym at regular intervals, it’s the food intake, or rather the type of food consumed, that is most difficult to control. Coffee is one particularly difficult drink to stay away from. Switching to green tea is ideal, but when you're used to drinking coffee, you usually find yourself getting drawn back to it after a few sleepy days at the office.

    Mafalda Cramer

    1. Totally agree Mafalda. Thanks for the support.
