Wednesday, 30 January 2013

My Surprising Opinion On Weight Watchers

A couple of nights ago a the channel 4 show Dispatches aired a rather damming show on Weight Watchers and how they make their millions.

Whilst on the face of it I agree with everything the show ‘uncovered’ my opinion might surprise many.

Anyone with a commodity of understanding of nutrition will be able to highlight the shortfalls of the Weight Watchers plan, but by airing such a one-sided negative show who are Dispatches really serving? Yes, many people unaware of the shortfalls are now much wiser, but after watching the show will they be able to make any smarter choices. I think not. 

Amongst the opinions levied at the WW was at the effect of counting pro-points. What WW have attempted to do with propoints is condense the nutritional value of all foods into one single number. I’m not a fan of counting calories, points, green day or red days or any other point scoring system for this matter, because I feel it leads to obsessive behaviors and is akin to knowing the cost of everything and the value of nothing. What I mean by this is whilst thinking about propoints you will overlook the benefits of nutritional density in higher calorie foods to stay within a guideline or worse still overlook how the foods make you feel after consumption. I’m pretty sure many of the low scoring propoint foods make the person feel tired, lethargic and unsatisfied after eating. But, and correct me if I’m wrong, I’m pretty certain WW do not discriminate against whole natural nourishing foods. 

You can eat vegetables, fruits, meats, chicken, fish on WW and stay within your guideline, right? Therefore it would be your choice what you eat...

Other criticisms were at the price of the products. This was pretty damming. Some of the products were twice the price and gram for gram had more propoints. But, to qualify this I will use a simple analogy. A couple of months ago my friend Maisey brought a house. He took a few weeks off work and spent 16hrs a day renovating. During this time he fitted a new kitchen and bathroom, knocked through walls and decorated. After a couple of months he had it revalued and it was priced at £60k more. During this time I sat on my arse and my kitchen is still the same old kitchen, my living room is in need of a face lift and the list of jobs EJ has for me has grown. My point being if you invest in yourself, educate yourself and take action you will be rewarded. Maisey has taken the time to learn how to renovate his house, worked out the numbers and done it. I have not. Therefore Maisey has better rate on his mortgage and a nicer house to live in. 

You can take the time to learn about better alternatives to the hideous overpriced WW’s food. They even have apps on your smart phones to help! It’s just about taking the time to learn...

The effectiveness of their diet plan... This is my major gripe. I know several people who have lost weight at weight watchers and kept it off. Heck, a few of them come to my fitness camp. Whilst I don’t really like the approach they have taken to lose weight these guys are happy, fit and healthy and therefore whilst I coach them around fitness I will not be coaching them on nutrition unless they ask. And then given their success I will mostly be telling them how they could modify the WW plan work better for them. I also know quite a few people who have not lost weight or have lost weight and gained it back quickly. These are the guys who need help. Many of these people are repeat offenders. Despite it being ineffective they continue to go back. Is this not the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result... 

The truth is if it doesn’t work don’t do it. However, if it does, do.

I’m not a strong advocate of the WW plan - I know many better ways - BUT it does work for some and a shameless sensational one-sided program highlighting the millions made adds no value to the debate. In fact, the only thing it is likely to do is lead to a person who is concerned about their weight to sit on their sofa and not go. This serves nobody.

The health and wellness industry is saturated with information - most of it is BS - many people I come in contact with are confused. If you do go to Weight Watchers and want to make the best of the plan...

1. Try eating more wholesome nourishing natural foods rather than packaged processed food - this is the ONLY way a diet plan can be both healthy and work longterm.

2. Take the time to read about nutrition and learn what you need to be healthy - the mindful educated consumer always has the best success.

3. In order to make it work be focused and clear on your goal - this will keep you on track and go along way to curbing cravings and making the best of any diet plan.

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