The sun is out, the sky is blue and my phones ringing off the hook.
Amidst this warm weather and recent surge in interest I felt it was only right to tell what you all want to know....
In my opinion you need to look at three key areas...
Reduce Body Fat (not Weight!!!!!)
THIS IS DIFFERENT TO WEIGHT!!!!! I’ve said it. You can lose weight and still be fat. This is why you need to do it correctly. You NEED perfect combination of diet and exercise. You must balance blood sugar to stimulate fat loss and I’m sorry this has nothing to do with calorie counting. Choose the correct sort of food and cut the wrong sort of food and you’re part way there. Plenty of fresh whole food is the way to go. You must also use higher intensity exercise to stimulate fat loss. This will give you the maximum metabolic boost and make you a body fat burning machine.
PLEASE NOTE: Unless you reduce your body fat you have no chance of getting a hot and toned stomach. No amount of sit ups can help if you still have a layer of flab over the top!!
Improve Posture
Your posture is important. If you have a slumped forward alignment or you suffer with an anterior pelvic tilt (common with mums) you will need to stretch/ strengthen the tight/ weak offenders. This can easily be done with a little bit of coaching. If you are doing it yourself then its a bit more complicated.
Try this (it might not work...) Find a mirror. Take your cloths off ( me I’m a personal trainer) Stand with 60% of your weight on your heels, make sure you’ve got arches in your feet (you might need to press more weight to the outside of your feet), loosen your knees (so they are soft not bent), and tip your tailbone under so you pelvis is neutral, pull through the top of your head to lengthen your neck slightly and gently tuck your chin in. Draw your shoulders down and back and abracadabra....
Chances are you’ve got a flatter stomach already! Standing properly and moving around in better alignment will instantly knock inches off your middle and will make you look lean and toned (it will also feel weird). Check out the change in tonality of you stomach. Good, right?
Like I said its a little complicated but essential if you want a flat and toned stomach.
PLEASE NOTE: Please DO NOT get naked in public. It’s frowned upon. Apparently...
Improve Muscle Tone
You need to apply the 600 rule to exercise. You cannot do this by running or using the cross trainer. :-(
You need to get every muscle in your body working (this might include a grimace or a smile if you are working at the right intensity!) This will activate your nervous system and ‘prime’ your muscles to be ‘more ready’ - this is what muscle tone is all about.
If you work every muscle in your body every workout you will get ‘toned’ (I don’t like that word so much...)
Press ups, squats, lunges, walkouts, burpees... They all help in this one.
PLEASE NOTE: Doing a few sit ups won’t help.
There you are three steps to a flat stomach.
PLEASE NOTE: You can work on all three steps at the same time if you have a good exercise plan. :-)
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