reason noun (explanation) the cause of an event or situation or something which provides an excuse or explanation.
excuse noun 1. a reason you give to explain why you did something wrong. 2. a false reason you give you give to explain why you do something.
Knowing the difference between a reason and an excuse can make a HUGE difference to your weight loss, fat loss and fitness goals…
Perhaps the major difference between the two is accountability
You shouldn’t feel bad about this. If your goals are genuine you will not find this a problem. However, if you are not focused and dedicated towards your goal that’s when excuses might slip in.
Fundamental to this is taking responsibility. By taking responsibility and NOT offloading it onto other people is important. It’s all too easy to blame your children, the traffic, lack of time an unsupportive spouse or even weather.
Take responsibility, be accountable and know the difference between a reason and an excuse and you will soon find you achieve your fat loss and fitness goals.
If you need an extra push check out this.
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