So, you’re eating a good clean diet and drinking lots of water, you’re doing some good exercise (not Zumba or Pilates!), and you’re getting to bed on time. You wanna speed up your results and you want to feel even more awesome…
To get you that last 10% I’d suggest you start to supplement.
Now, anyone who knows me knows that I’m a HUGE advocate of eating natural, nourishing food BUT we all live in the real world, right?
After the stresses and strains take their toll even fresh food can be found wanting. This being said the following suggestions are SUPPLEMENTARY to a healthy lifestyle (as noted above!)
I have spunked loads of cash on supplements over the years and these are the ones that I have found work the best and are research-based.
Green Drinks
Over the last year I have made the transition from a multivitamin to a green drink. Green drinks are ace because they contain tons of nutrients, aid with regeneration of the liver (a major fat-burning detoxifying organ) and go some way to improving a persons acid/alkaline balance.
Coming in powder form, for some it can be a little hard to swallow, but it’s not full of any fillers that you might find in a pill form. I prefer to use Garden of Life Perfect Food Super Green Formula.
Fish Oils
There is a substantial body of evidence for supplementing with fish oil these days. With a high omega-3 content fish oils improve brain function, improve cellular health, stimulate fat-loss and reduce the rate of fat-storage.
I recommend taking 2-3 tablespoons per day in liquid form (rather than capsule). One brand that I have found particularly good is Carlson Fish Oil. With its lemony taste it seems to go down far better than expected.
It can’t be that bad as even EJ takes it – that’s saying something!!
Magnesium is a mineral that is largely deficient in many people today. Vital to many bodily functions, magnesium assists with synthesis of proteins, transmission of nerve signals and transportation of energy from food.
I tend to go with Solgar’s Magnesium Citrate and supplement anywhere up to 400mg. It’s best taken 60 minutes before bed and can give you the most fantastic nights sleep.
Similar to magnesium, zinc is a mineral many people are deficient in. Zinc can improve liver function, detoxification and improve insulin synthesis. I take Zinc Picolinate (by Solgar) up to 20mg per day 60 minutes before I go to bed (with my magnesium).
I’ve also found adaptagenic herbs to be a useful supplement. Coming from Ayurvedic medicine, Ashwaghanda has been found useful in stress management and reducing anxiety therefore can help balance hormones.
Try taking 20-30 drops three-times per day and feel this ancient herb help you relax. It is also implicated in a reduction in abdominal fat.
I have also found many other supplements useful such as digestive enzymes, vitamin D and amino acids. However, it is I stress the point that these are SUPPLEMENTS. If you eat crap these will not help you!!
WARNING: You can waste lots of your hard-earned cash on supplements. The supplement industry (like many others) is poorly regulated and so I’d advise buying reputable brands (not found in supermarkets!) It might cost you a little bit more but you get what you pay for…
I started taking V - D3 and Magnesium powder, to aid with sleep and digestion along with Inner health plus. :)