Thursday, 27 January 2011

3 Simple Ways to Boost YOUR Metabolism

One of the biggest challenges to any fat loss or weight loss program is to BOOST a sluggish metabolism.

It can be incredibly frustrating when you are trying everything and the number on the scales doesn’t seem to shift.

Boosting your metabolism can have a HUGE effect on the speed and sustainability of your results. So here are my top 3 tips to stoking your fat-burning furnace (your metabolism!?)…

1. Move Your Body!

When deciding to lose fat most people embark on ‘fat burning exercise.’ By this I mean they sit on a stationary bike, get on the treadmill or even pound the pavements.

Whilst this is better than nothing there is only so much you can do with these sorts of exercise. Most people believe slow and steady is the way to go but in reality this is inefficient and boring.

By applying ‘The 600 Rule’ in which you try and target 600 muscles per workout you will experience a gigantic shift in the way your body burns fat.

By using compound movements such as press ups, squats, burpees, lunges and walk outs you will use a variety of different muscles and kick start your fat burning quickly.

2. Build Muscle!

Overlook this at your peril!!!

Most of the girls that I train are terrified of strength training because they don’t want to become ‘bulky.’ Let me reassure you it will not happen! It can take lots of time and effort to build muscle even if you have the right hormones (i.e. a guy!) it is even more difficult for girls.

You have to understand that 1lb of muscle burns 50calories a day at rest. What does this mean? If we can build 5lbs of muscle you will burn 250calories per day without lifting a finger!!!

Ignore the scales for just one second and think logically. Building muscle will not make you appear bulky (take a look at Gwen Steffani, Cameron Diaz or Jennifer Anniston if you don’t believe me – all of whom lift weights regularly) BUT will make your body more efficient.

If you do this right and follow a good programme the afterburn effect will have you burning calories a higher rate of fat all day.

3. Try Multi-Workouts!

Something I have using with my clients to great effect more recently is multi-workouts.

It’s difficult to find 45mins-1hr during a busy day for a workout so why not break them down train more intensely and do one in the morning and one in the evening.

By waking up 10 minute earlier and doing a hard 10-15min workout and doing the same in the evening once you have put the kids to bed, it is easier to fit in.

Plus just as your metabolism starts to slow down you give it another little kickstart and so the cycle of fat burning continues at a good rate. Makes perfect sense, right?

So there you have it. 3 SIMPLE ways of speeding up a sluggish metabolism. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment on my Facebook page.

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