Today, in the backdrop of a snowy winter wonderland, along with 35 of the countries top fitness professionals, I had the distinct pleasure of spending an action packed day with Dax Moy.
The inaugural Elimination Certification Course, designed to educate the participant about the finer points of Dax’s very own Elimination Diet, was a great opportunity for like minded fit pros to listen to the big man speak and to gauge his opinion on certain aspects of nutrition, exercise, lifestyle and many other subjects (of which I will come onto in a mo).
Now, I consider myself fairly well read on this subject, having studied metabolic typing (and seen its shortfalls) and having studied a great many books on diet and nutrition, but this guy blows me away.
Within the first hour of the course we had dismissed the calorie controlled diet and got into more meaty subjects such as how the toxic nature of foods, or indeed the unique biochemistry of an individual is more relevant to a persons’ health.
Biochemical individuality is not a new subject to me, but the ease and comfort in which it was relayed was a joy to behold. This combined with his now customary lessons on endocrinology really makes his courses invaluable.
By covering issues such as cellular health and gastrointestinal issues with slides entitled ‘Bollocks’ and ‘How to get sick and die,’ Dax’s style is refreshingly simple and complex both at the same time. It is for this reason that his courses are such good value. The take home message is always clear, easy to interpret and packed full of use next day information.
Particular highlights of the day for me include the opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the countries finest personal trainers, the banter between participants (I will never go in a sauna after Paul Mort!) and Dax’s characteristic grope of a participant in front of the whole class (poor Jenni!)
The reason for the title is this. The food you eat has huge implications on you health, how you look and how you feel. Dax obviously highlighted this in his no-stone-unturned-tell-a-storey approach and so the tin of miniature Heroes and the crate of Peroni I had stashed away for Christmas will not taste quite the same. I’m sure I’ll get over this :-)
In the snowy backdrop, this was a fantastic course. It was most definitely worth braving the elements and it reinforced my principle driven approach to training. Brilliant.
Steve, it was great having you there buddy. I'm so glad that you enjoyed the day, it was definitely enjoyable from my side of the room : )