You wanna change, right?
You wanna be different this year?
Try this six-step approach to change…
1. Decide WHAT do I want to do and what is preventing me from making that change (this must be clear and specific)
2. Get leverage – Understand WHY. Vividly associate pain and discomfort with NOT changing. Create a sense of urgency. Then it becomes a matter of WILL. Will you change? Are you willing?
3. INTERRUPT the limiting pattern. Be BOLD. Best way to change is to do something unexpected. A big and bold interruption. The bigger and bolder the better. If you feel depressed become overly happy and outgoing. Stick to your guns at this point people struggle. To help vividly imagine yourself differently. Change your image of yourself. Perceive yourself differently. Thinking differently is fundamental to change.
4. Create a NEW empowering alternative. Replace it! Find a new way of being. Replace it with a new pattern. Model or hang around with people with your desired trait or who have made lasting changes.
5. PRACTICE the new pattern until its consistent. Practice, practice, practice until it becomes second nature. You need to condition yourself to become different.
6. Test or measure new pattern. Have you really changed? Does it work every time? Sitting down to review is important. If it matters that much you will.