Congrats this week to Matt Swan who ran The London Parks this weekend.
Claiming to look like the famous actor, Matt ran the route in a fantastic 1hr 49mins. Quite an accomplishment considering only a year ago he was bed stricken with recurring back pain.
After coming to me claiming to not be able to lose weight… he was soon three-stone lighter and on his way to greatness!
Even the arrival of little baby Darcy couldn’t throw him off the scent. He now has an exercise routine and diet that fit into his life and his success is thoroughly deserved.
However, despite his current fitness level and improved physique, he remains adamant to that he looks like George Clooney. There are somethings that even a good exercise programme cannot cure – he is clearly a bit deluded!
However, here is what he had to say prior to running his first 10K 6 months ago…
“I feel I have to share with you my elation at becoming a Dishy Dad at 40 just as I thought it was all over, thanks to the efforts of Steve Keywood I have been reincarnated as a young George Clooney.
I've always kept myself active and eaten what I believed to be a pretty healthy diet but I was 2 stone overweight with an unsightly overhang and forever yo-yo ing between 16 & 17 stone depending on my training.
I had recently been referred to a Sports Rehabilitation Clinic as exercise left me with prolonged bouts of excruciating back pain.
At this stage I was considering hanging up my rugby boots and accepting that I was destined to enter middle age overweight, unfit and unable to do anything about it.
This was until I was introduced to Steve Keywood. Steve's first action was to ask me where I wanted to get to and what were my goals and he then conducted a full assessment of my condition.
He looked at my exercise which was regular but not exactly challenging or varied and then designed an exercise program which was more tailored to my goals.
For my diet he suggested a more structured approach to eating and recommended a specific Metabolic Typing diet which is more suited to my build.
Steve insisted that I make him a commitment to both the new exercise program and diet for 4 weeks. This I duly did and from day one I found it relatively easy and the results where immediate.
From day 3 I started noticing a difference, I was feeling more motivated, happier and surprisingly lighter and more agile, all through this first 4 weeks Steve was on hand for advise and support.
My new found energy levels drove me to exercise 4 times a week, coming in from work and going for a 5Km run or the gym. So it was no surprise that at the end of the first month I had lost 18lbs and felt great.
Steve then asked me to commit to a second 4 week period which after the success of the first month I was more than happy to do and by this time my new regime had become second nature.
It is now 2 weeks after my 8 week program and I am a steady 15 stone 4lbs, having lost nearly 2 stone. I'm so much happier in my day to day life, more motivated and physically better balanced and do you know what I haven't had a problem with my back for weeks. In short I am a completely different person to 10 weeks ago and in the middle of training for a 10Km charity race in October and the Rugby is now very much back on.
So I thought the least I could do to repay Steve's commitment to me is write a testimonial and hope it motivates someone else to take the plunge, and trust me you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.
Please try it, it doesn't hurt and if you want the best chance of success get Steve Keywood to help you.”
Well Done Matt! Perhaps we can go for the big one next April???