Thursday, 18 November 2010

Girls can do push ups too.

I have many pet peeves in the fitness industry, such as guys who where hats in the gym and women who read Womens Own magazine whilst using a recumbent bike (anyway…). One issue that perhaps should be considered is the use of ‘girly push ups.’

I recognise strength based training is considered a masculine pursuit and that women steer away from it for fear of compromising their dainty and feminine looks (I don’t want to digress but if you are interested check this out). However, the point is that whenever I have a guy in the gym he is often more than happy to have a go at doing full push ups, however when I have a girl in the gym they are often more than content to try a ‘girly’ variety and any suggestion of stepping it up is met with more than a little concern.

This issue has become more obvious to me over the last couple of weeks, when at my Bootcamp the weather has got decidedly wetter and colder. In warm dry weather the girls are more than happy to rest their knees on the floor and take the easier option, however when the weather gets a little worse, and involves putting their knees in the mud, suddenly I noticed that most of the girls are happy to try full press ups!

Its not that doing ‘girly push ups’ is a problem. If you can only manage the girly variety you should do that. However, if you are capable of doing a full push up you definitely should do that.

The press up, if done properly, is a great exercise for developing stability and strength through the shoulders, triceps and torso. This is good because it aids in bingo wing prevention!! It is very rare to have someone in the gym on day one, guy or girl, who can do a good push up. Fundamentally, there are several reasons why the girls struggle with push-ups more than the guys; most notably guys are typically stronger than girls. Nevertheless, with good coaching, the right progressions and a bit of practice more girls can advance onto the full variety in no time at all.

So what makes a good push up? Take a look at this video by Eric Cressey and I will fill in the gaps.

Most importantly you must get your set up correct before you get started. With your hands underneath your shoulders, or perhaps just a little wider, and in a good neutral alignment, lower your body to the floor. Try to keep your elbows tucked in a little and make sure your chest gets to the floor before your head and hips.

There is no major problem doing the knees down variety, but once you get good at it you should progress. Making the transition from half press up to full is not easy, so I like to use the eccentric press up shown in this video . You will find you are stronger in the eccentric phase of the press up (lowering), so by lowering in a full press up and pushing up in a half you can make that transition easier.

So give it a go! A couple of alternative for progressing everyone’s favourite exercise… Let me know how you get on.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Do you have the FIVE must have ingredients for successful fat loss?

There are no secret ingredients to success in fat loss, regardless of what you’ve heard. You might see advertised the latest and greatest ‘gadgets’ that target a particular area of your body or a gimmicky fad diet, truth be known they are probably a waste of time and money.

One thing that works again and again seems to be these five must have ingredients to achieving success in fat loss…

Purpose …know exactly what your goal is.
Passion …have a burning desire to achieve it.
Planning …determine how you’ll go about achieving it.
Perspiration …work hard following your plan to achieve it.
Perseverance …don’t let anything get in the way of achieving it.

One of my favourite bits of memorabilia that hangs on the wall of a local school is an autograph by Paula Radcliffe. It is an Olympic running vest that reads ‘set yourself a goal and work hard everyday to achieve it.’

As it comes into winter knowing what you are trying to achieve and why you are trying to achieve it will persuade you to get out and exercise on those cold dark evening…

You may not know your purpose right now, but if you think about it for a little while it may become clear.

Monday, 8 November 2010

A SIMPLE way to speed up fat-loss

This is not a miracle cure…

Lets be honest if you eat badly and don’t exercise this will not help you.

However, the scientific research is clear. If you consistently supplement with fish oils you can speed up fat-loss.

It works in two simple ways…

Firstly, fish oils switch on fat burning genes… By turning on the lipolytic genes, the genes responsible for burning fat, there is increased utilization of fat stores from the fat cells.

Secondly, they switch off fat storing genes… fundamentally fish oils turn off lipogenic genes.


But that’s not all.

Fish oils are reported to have a positive effect on numerous diseases from coronary heart disease to gingivitis, they are reported to improve brain function and improve intelligence, and increase levels of serotonin (the happy neurotransmitter) so will make you happier, less anxious and therefore have less sugar cravings.

So here it is... A simple way to make you leaner, cleverer and happier!