Here is a fantastic blog I have been sent by fellow personal trainer Dax Moy. He is a fantastic writer and a brilliant personal trainer. He also writes a goal achievement programme called the The Magic Hundred check him out at http://mymagichundredchallenge.com/change-your-world-start-a-goals-revolution/…
With Christmas and New Year fast approaching, a lot of the conversation in the communities I run online and the businesses I run offline seems to be about ‘getting through’ the holidays and then ‘getting on’ with pursuing health and fitness, relationship and financial goals from January 1st.
Nothing wrong with that, of course (though personally I find that those who achieve the most impressive and rapid results are always those who start TODAY. Even in some small way), after all people are busy, they’re distracted and they have all manner of obstacles preventing them from getting what they want when the holiday season rolls around.
But here’s the interesting thing.
Considering people are waiting til ‘the time is right’ to get started on pursuing their goals(presumably ‘right’ meaning that there’s nothing standing in their way), there seems to be a lot of discussion about avoiding the disappointment of failure by not setting goals too high and not over reaching.
In effect, these conversations are saying “Don’t go for what you REALLY want, go for what you think you can get”
I can understand why people think this way.
They’re scared of ‘failing’ at their diets, their relationships, their businesses and their dreams so instead they play it small by choosing to rationalise and justify their goals instead of going for what they really want.
What they REALLY dream about.
Instead of dreaming the big, amazing, inspiring dreams they settle for what’s ‘realistic’.
In other words, they settle for what someone else has told them either is or is not possible.
I see it all the time in my London personal training studios where people who really, desperately want to lose 50lbs set goals of only 10-15lbs ‘because it’s more realistic’ and who, in doing so, rob themselves of all the power, passion and purpose required to not only achieve the big goal but, ultimately, the small goal too.
It’s true!
Most of the people who set themselves smaller goals because they’ve rationalised them to be more ‘realistic’ have just as hard a time bringing these small goals to life as they would have had if they’d committed to the big ones.
Strange but true.
And here’s why.
Small goals are all fine and dandy but, the truth is, most people aren’t looking for small improvements in their lives. They want big, Huge, ENORMOUS, life changing things to happen to them rather than small, incremental and often inconsequential goals.
Big goals get you out of bed on a cold, damp and dark winters morning. Small ones have you telling yourself “Go back to sleep, you can do it later”
Big goals have you sticking with your diet no matter what. Small goals have you saying “Well, ONE piece won’t hurt…”
Big goals have you thinking and acting big. Small goals have you thinking and acting… small!
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out does it?
The key to making big, dramatic changes to your life, whether they be in your weight, your fitness, your relationships, your finances or anything else is to set yourself goals that would literally revolutionise your life rather than those that only serve to rationalise why you can’t have more.
The word ‘revolution’ comes from the Latin ‘Revolutio’ and means literally ‘a turn around’. Your life turns around by thinking big, powerful, passionate thoughts of what you WANT from your life and then taking the steps to make that happen, NOT by containing your thinking only to those things that you believe are easy.
The truth is, those things that are easiest to do are also the exact same things that are easy NOT to do.
Pushing your plate away when you’re full is easy to do… but easy not to.
Taking 15 minutes a day to exercise is easy to do… but easy not to.
Saving £1 a day is easy to do… but easy not to.
There’s no power, passion, purpose or promise in the small goals that don’t really get your juices flowing. The real power is in those big, scary, exciting goals that, once achieved, would literally turn your life around.
In other words, Revolutionary Goals NOT rational ones.
Think big.
Then, when you’ve though big, think BIGGER!
Design the grandest, highest, most perfect vision of your goal in your mind THEN take that rationale mind of yours and break the big goal down into smaller goals and pursue them with everything you have.
You CAN be, do an have what you want y’know…
So, what do you want? : )
Set a revolutionary goal TODAY. Don’t wait for New Year. Set it today and you’ll have 3 weeks toard your goal in the bag before dawn on the first day of 2010.
Go for it!